Whimbrel: A Familiar Coastal Wading Shorebird

The Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus, is a migratory shore bird frequently sighted along the North Carolina coast. A Curlew, birds with long slender down curved bills, it is the most wildespread of the group. Like many familiar shore birds found in the Carolinas, Whimbrels breed and nest on the tundra with the Carolinas and other southern coastal states serving as its wintering/non-breeding home.

This Whimbrel was photographed along the edge of Taylors Creek near Beaufort, North Carolina. Somewhat camera shy, a slow drift approach using a small boat or kayak can be productive. A good technique for photographing Whimbrel and similarly colored shorebirds is to use AV or aperature priority mode with exposure compensation set to +1/3 to +1 stop.

A Whimbrel is a large shore bird with a long, downward curved bill.

This entry was posted in Kayaking, Natural History in the Carolinas, Nature Photography, Wildlife Photography.

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