Category Archives: Kayaking


A Morning at the Rachel Carson Reserve

The Rachel Carson Estuarine Reserve is one of the jewels of the Crystal Coast. There was a time I’d visit it two even three times a week. Then life got busy and I neglected paddling […]

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First Paddle of the Year!

There was a time that I went kayaking two or three times a week. The last couple of year I had so much going on that I didn’t even put my boat in the water. […]

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American Oyster Catchers on Taylor’s Creek

The Crystal Coast is blessed with one of the largest populations of American Oyster Catchers along the North American East Coast. Their black and white plumage is strikingly highlighted by their bright orange bills, yellow […]

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Wild Horse Crossing

Many folks that visit the wild horses living within the boundaries of the Rachel Carson Estuarine Reserve or the Cape Lookout National Seashore don’t get to see the horses swimming between islands and shoals. If […]

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Wild Horses on the Tidal Flats

I launched my kayak one morning last week and it was a perfect morning for photographing the wild horses of the Rachel Carson Estuarine Reserve from a kayak. These majestic animals were out feeding on […]

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Semipalmated Plovers at Rachel Carson Estuarine Reserve

I loaded up my kayak and paid the reserve a visit a few mornings ago. As is usually the case, my efforts were awarded with plenty of photography opportunities. I found these plovers feeding along […]

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Common Loon on Taylor’s Creek

The other day while paddling my kayak on Taylor’s Creek along the Beaufort, NC waterfront I came across a loon that was quite comfortable allowing me to get close for photos. I just love close […]

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Little Blue Heron

While paddling my kayak this morning I came across three Little Blue Herons. Two of these tres hombres were quite shy and took to wing before I got within camera range. But one was absolutely […]

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A Few Shorebirds

I went for a nice paddle yesterday morning. It was a little windy but I still had a wonderful time exploring the Rachel Carson Estuarine Reserve by kayak. There is definately a large variety of […]

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Intoduction to Kayak Photography: A How-to Ebook

Now available for instant download, my “Introduction to Kayak Photography” is a basic guide to using kayaks for nature photography. Presented in PDF format the book consists of five chapters: Choosing a Kayak for Photography; […]

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