I finally got a chance to get out and make my first paddle of the new year! The skies were overcast, which is usually a good thing for photography. In this case, however, they were so overcast that I was forced to shoot at a higher ISO setting than I normally like to. Near the end of my paddle I encountered a very cooperative Common Loon. Below are a few photos of this bird.
One Comment
Hello Bob,
I’m a fellow CNPA Member, and came across your site while doing a bit of online research about photographing Wild Horses in NC (I’m near Charlotte), and checked out your blog. Love the loon shots, one of my favorite birds.
I was up in Maine for photography this past September, and was able to do some kayaking and photographing of loons myself, which was just exhilarating. Some shots here, if you’re interested:
In any case, great site and photos. Perhaps we can hook up to do some shooting of the horses. We’re thinking of heading out there toward the end of May.
Best regards,