Tag Archives: Taylor’s Creek


One More Shorebird – a Willet

It’s a rainy morning along the coast of North Carolina. I supposed I could suck it up and head out to try and make some images anyway, but I’m going to wimp out and stay […]

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Belted Kingfisher

Anyone that’s picked-up a camera equipped with a long telephoto lens to pursue making images of shore birds probably has a few stories to tell about their encounters with Belted Kingfishers. These handsome little birds […]

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Snowy Egret at Low Tide

I decided to go for a paddle yesterday morning. As always, I had my camera along with the hope of getting a few images. I was fortunate to come across a couple of very cooperative […]

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More Wild Horses in Black & White

Yesterday morning the rain kept me inside but the inclement weather passed in plenty of time to allow me to make a trip across Taylor’s Creek to visit the wild horses. I felt like the […]

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American Oyster Catcher in Flight

Just a simple, single image post today. Here’s a photo of an American Oyster Catcher in Flight near Beaufort, North Carolina. In reference to my previous post of tricks to improve your photography you may […]

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White Ibis and Little Blue Heron Along the Beaufort NC Waterfront

I had the opportunity to launch my kayak and do a little wildlife photography the other morning. It was an extremely winding morning, making it a little difficult to hold position while shooting. The fast […]

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Common Loon on Taylor’s Creek

The other day while paddling my kayak on Taylor’s Creek along the Beaufort, NC waterfront I came across a loon that was quite comfortable allowing me to get close for photos. I just love close […]

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Common Loon

I finally got a chance to get out and make my first paddle of the new year! The skies were overcast, which is usually a good thing for photography. In this case, however, they were […]

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American Oyster Catchers on Taylor’s Creek

Two mornings in a row I’ve encountered a couple of Oyster Cathers on an oyster bank at the entrance to Deep Creek. At least one of the birds was differnet from one day to the […]

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Carrot Island Wild Horses Post Hurricane Irene

I made the trip over to the Rachel Carson Estuarine Reserve this morning to check on how the horses had came through the recent storm. My original plan was to put in along Front Street […]

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