My webhost had some technical problems that effected many of the websites hosted by them… Carolinafootprints amoung them. Everything’s back up but I’ve lost something like the 12 most recent posts…TWELVE! That’s a bit disheartening. I’ll dig a little and see if they can be recovered somehow but I’m afraid they’re gone. I don’t think I’ll try to replicate them, though I may publish all of the lost images from them below when I verify those posts can’t be recovered.
Gotta love technology some days.
Here are the images from the 12 missing posts. The webhost’s technical services was unable to recover the posts from the crashed database. I’m not going to try to rehash the text portions of the posts, though there are excerpts on my facebook page, I will mention that one of the posts was text only and was reporting that I’d again had an article and photos published in “Camera in the Wild.”