A Storm Approaches

The other evening I realized a storm was moving in and with it some very dramatic skies. There are few things I enjoy more than creating a nice, moody black & white image that includes dramatic skies. How could I resist? I grabbed my camera gear and headed out for Down East Carteret county with the idea of finding a skiff or boat tied out in one of the rivers or bays with the approaching storm in the background. I snapped a few shots at this location and jumped back in my vehicle as the downpour started. This is very much the image I had in mind as I headed out in front of the storm.

A dingy bounces at anchor as an angry storm approaches behind.

This entry was posted in General Photography.

One Comment

  1. Daryl Boyette July 1, 2011 at 5:46 pm #

    Great shots….as usual!

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