Wild Orchid

I was exploring a pine savanna area in the Croatan National Forest yesterday afternoon with a loose plan for shooting some landscape images. Of course I can’t visit the savanna without looking for some of the carnivorous plants that live there. After all, who doesn’t love a meat-eating plant?! While investigating some Yellow Pitcher plants I spied a wild Orchid… the Rosebud Orchid I believe, Cleistes bifaria. This being the first time I’d happened across a wild orchid I’ll admit a bit of excitement. (Yes, even I’m a little surprised at getting excited over a prissy little flower!). I thought I’d share a somewhat abstract image of this orchid this morning. The first is as I’d normally process the image. The second with the Nik Software Color Efex Pro 3.0 “Pastel” filter applied. Still have 9 days worth of Demo left so I might as well play a bit. If you have a favorite version how about commenting and telling me which it is. I’d love to know.

A wild orchid found in the Croatan Forest, North Carolina's Coastal Plain. Nik software

This entry was posted in Macro Photography, Natural History in the Carolinas, Nature Photography.

One Comment

  1. Barb May 17, 2011 at 8:21 am #

    Carol, it’s tough to pick between the 2. They’re both beautiful, but I think the one you did through that program that you’re on the Demo is just a wee bit prettier. It’s lighter, softer. JMHO

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