Like so many businesses Mike Moats ran a “Black Friday” special last week. On the friday following Thanksgiving he offered any of his ebooks art the bargin price of $4.95. How could I resist scarfing up a copy of his “Macro Workshop” ebook. The idea of the book is to present the same material covered in his Macro workshops in a book form. It’s a great opportunity for folks that aren’t near a workshop location, are unwilling or unable to afford the price, or don’t really need the attention they’d receive in a workshop setting.
The book its self is reasonably well written. Granted, Mike isn’t the most talented wordsmith in the world but his matter-o-fact, straight forward style of presenting the material is quite effective. He illustrates his ideas well with sample photos of the concepts he’s trying to share. Some of the technical info is a bit basic… but you have to assume a portion of the readers will need a rudimentary schooling in aperature, depth of field and other basic concepts. If the question is, “can a novice macro photographer build a solid foundation by studying this book?” the answer has to be a big YES! What about the more experienced photographer? You may encounter some ideas and concepts you hadn’t considered before. It’s a safe bet you’ll see some things presented in a way that hadn’t occurred to you before. So sure, even an experienced photographer can learn something from this ebook. If you want to check out this ebook or others offered by Mike Moats visit .
In case anyone is wondering I’ve never met Mike in person. The comments and observations presented are my own and no commercial or professional affilation exists between myself and Mr. Moats.
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