Category Archives: Photo Tip


Sell Your Photos Online: Money For Nothing – (shutter) Clicks for Free

You show your favorite photos to your friends, family and coworkers. They always tell you how good your images are. Every time someone says that you should sell your photos online. “You’ll make a lot […]

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Fisheye Lens Fun at the New Bern Civil War Battlefield Park

The Inspiration I recently was looking at a blog post by Jim Hughes where he used a fisheye lens to create some very interesting images in an urban location ( I found the images so […]

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Black & White Vs. Color – Making Choices in Photography

The first color photographs were made in the 1840s. However, color didn’t become the dominate choice in photography until the 1970s. It took a hundred and thirty years for the technology and popularity of color […]

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Motion Blur and Black & White Technique

I’ve shared some of my motion blur photographs before. However I don’t believe I’ve done so combined with a black and white conversion. It can result in a very appealing image. At least I think […]

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Capturing Rural Decay: The Search for Inspiration in the Winter Months

If you’ve been following my blog for long, or perhaps my Facebook page, you’re likely aware that I love, love, love to get outdoors and make images in natures. Trees, wildlife, birds, beaches, flowing water. […]

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Abstract Forest Photography – Using Motion Blur

People looking for a unique fine art photographic wall art often find images made with intentional motion blur a wonderful options. There are two popular methods for incorporating motion blur into an image. In this […]

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Using Crop Sensor Cameras for Landscapes?

The common advice is that for shooting landscape and other wide angle photographic subjects you should use a digital camera with a “full crop” or “medium format” image sensor. So called “crop sensors,” such as […]

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Fox Kits: A Little Luck and a Bit of Field Craft

When I visit my favorite photography areas I usually do a bit of scouting after I’ve made the shots I planned for. Last winter I came across a fox den while scouting. I made some […]

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The Rule of Thirds: A Rant

There is a discussion about “the rule of thirds” taking place on a popular nature photography forum. I must admit I’m a bit surprised by some of the responses. Many of them show a general […]

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Repetition: A Compositional Tool

As photographers most of us have had the “rule of thirds” beaten into our artistically thick skulls. So thoroughly is this concept drilled into us that we frequently miss other wonderful compositional opportunities. One compositional […]

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