One of the most frequent questions I hear from photographers interested in my workshops or tours has to do with what kind of conditions they’ll encounters. Depending on the season it could be hot or cold. The horses can be found in a variety of environments. It might be wet, dry, grassy or sandy. Usually, over the course of a few days, participating photographers get to experience a variety of environments. Another question that comes up often has to do with how physically demanding the tours and workshops are. Sometimes it’s just a matter of sliding off of the boat and making images of horse Other times we may have to hike or wade to get to the animals. I also field a few questions about amenities. Simply put, there aren’t any… or at least they’re few and far between… on the islands where the horses live. We do, however, keep cold drinks onboard our charter boat and take lunch breaks at waterfront restaurants (no boxed lunches here!). The simple truth is that, while we may get a little muddy, a bit wet and sandy, we have a really good time. Sharing time with other creatives is always a great way to recharge your artistic batteries, make new friends and develop some new ideas. If this sounds like something you’d enjoy check out my workshop page for more information about my upcoming workshop and tour. Below are a few shots from past tours and workshops showing photographers in action with the horses.