The Beauty of Rural Decay

Last Sunday morning I woke up to discover a lovely, thick fog enveloping the area. I had been waiting for this opportunity for quite sometime. There are a few photos I have envisioned shrouded in fog. But alas, those locations would require a hike and I had my second COVID-19 vaccine the morning before. As many have reported, I felt run-down and had some mild body aches. No doubt a reaction to the shot. Hiking seemed like more than I really wanted to tolerate but I knew I could push-through some roadside photography. I donned my clothes, grabbed my camera gear and headed off for Pamlico County, a location I knew had a healthy supply of old, abandoned buildings.

There is something magical about old barns, houses and other structures that have been left to suffer the decay of time and inattention. One cannot help but imagine the things that happened there. For example, an old gas gas station I found was likely a gathering place for local farmers. Having grown up in a rural community I can easily imagine these simple men gathering around a pot belly stove to discuss their crops, the weather, politics and even local gossip. It is an easy exercise to let ones imagination run wild at the sight of these old structures.

The following are a few of the images produced that morning. I hope you enjoy them. Feel free to leave a comment. I always enjoy them. If you’d like you can follow me on Instagram at On Facebook you can find me at To view my online photo gallery or to purchase prints and photo products visit

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