Black Eyed Susan Wildflowers and Ferns

In early Summer the forest access roads come alive with ferns, Black Eyed Susan and Lanceleaf Coreopis wildflowers. It is a beautiful display of vivid yellow blooms against a rich, dark green. Mixed in you’ll find the small white blooms of the Daisy Fleabane. The following are a few shots made so far this year.

The two Black Eyed Susan wildflowers, Rudbeckia hirta, are growing along a fire access road in the Croatan National Forest in eastern North Carooinal These lovely cone flowers are native to NC and begin blooming in early summer. Look for them along roadsides and banks.
Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Coreopsis lanceolata, is a wildflower native to North America. This perennial is popular with pollinaters and is an excellent choice for native plant gardens. This photograph was captured along a fire road in the Croatan National Forest. Several of these blooms as well as numerous Black Eyed Susans were rising up above an area of wild ferns.
American Royal Fern, Osmunda spectabilis, growing along a fire access road in the Croatan National Forest. Native to North Carolina, these plants are quite abundant along the forest roadways and in the Pine Savanna areas.
Daisy Fleabane, Erigeron annuus, This herbaceous plant is native to North and Central America and quite common in the Eastern United States. This small wildflower gets its a name from the resemblance of its flower to daisies and the myth that it can be used to repell fleas. While it will not repel fleas it is used as for digestive ailments and as a diuretic. The leaves are edible but due to their hairy nature, should be cooked like other greens before consumption. This photo was made along a forest access road in the Croatan National Forest outside of Havelock, North Carolina.
Here’s a Black Eyed Susan growing in the Croatan National Forest outside of Havelock, North Carolina. Springing up from amongst ferns which provide a lovely, green background for the bright yellow bloom.

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  1. Jim Cook May 31, 2022 at 8:42 am #

    Beautiful photos of these flower’s. I especially loved the close up of Black Eyed Susan with ferns for contrast.

  2. Katrina May 31, 2022 at 9:40 am #

    We have the coreopsis booming down here in Florida as well, and they often are mixed in with the wild phlox for a really colorful contrast. Nice in-focus close-ups! And it’s a shame the daisy fleabane doesn’t actually repel fleas, because my yard would be so flea-free if they did.

  3. Alexios May 31, 2022 at 11:07 am #

    Wonderful macro photos of those flowers! The colors are so vibrant and beautiful!

  4. jim hughes May 31, 2022 at 1:20 pm #

    Nice photos, I like the feeling of darkness and shadow. But disappointed to learn that “fleabane” doesn’t work!

  5. Louis Dallara June 4, 2022 at 4:47 pm #

    Great flower photography.

  6. Pencil Paws June 16, 2022 at 4:12 pm #

    Wonderful photos, love the colours, especially the delicacy of the fern.

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