Glenburnie Park – New Bern North Carolina

Glenburnie Park

Glenburnine is a city park located a few minutes from downtown New Bern. When visiting this site it is easy to forget your in the middle of a residential area. The trees are covered with Spanish Moss adding that special Southern Charm to the visit. A short trail around the perimeter of the facility provides views of the Neuse river. Other amenities include a playground, several picnic shelters, a disc golf course and a boat ramp.

My Visit

I came across this lovely location by accident. My initial destination was the new Martin-Marietta park. On my way back from that park I noticed a sign pointing down a side road. That led me to this, new to me, recreational site. It was a heavily overcast day. In some ways that’s great for photography. In others not so much. I made the best of it and feel like I got some decent shots.

A Side Trip

On my way home I decided to stop by Union Point Park. Though a more urban setting, there are always a few ducks hanging out there in search of a handout or two. I guess you could call that a lazy man’s waterfowl photography trip. None the less, I think I got some decent photos.

The Photos

Here are some photos from my day trip to New Bern parks. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.

The Neuse River played an important role in the exploration and settlement of North Carolina. Here is a view of the river as seen at the Glenburnie Park in New Bern. The Cypress trees here are heavily draped with Spanish Moss. A tree line can be seen across the river on the opposite bank. This black and white photograph as a distinctive Southern feel. The park is located a few blocks from downtown. It is full of majestic, Spanish Moss covered trees. There is a short hiking trail that circles the perimeter of the property. Other features include several covered picnic shelters, a playground and a disc golf course. It’s easy to forget you’re in a residential areq when visiting this site.
A Bald Cypress tree rises up from the Neuse River. The stately tree is draped in Spanish Moss. This is the view from the boat ramp at Glenburnie Park in New Bern, North Carolina. The Neuse and Trenton Rivers converge at New Bern, lending it the nickname of the Twin Rivers city. The original capital of North Carolina, the city is now the Craven County seat. The former Governor’s mansion, Tryon Palace, is a popular historic site located near the downtown area. A variety of other museums and historic sites makes the bustling community a great place for visitors.
A short dock juts out into the Neuse River. Across the water trees line the shoreline. The sky appears as a solid gray-white sheet due to heavy overcast This is the view next to the boat ramp at Glenburnie Park. The park is located in a residential area near downtown New Bern. The fifty plus acre recreational area includes a boat ramp, a short hiking trail with views of the river a dog park and a disk golf course. Additionally there are picnic shelters and a playground. It is a popular place for fishermen and kayakers to launch their craft.
This long floating dock is located in Glenburnie Park in New Bern, North Carolina. The structure provides access for fishermen wanting to wet a line in the Neuse river. Its design allows it to rise and fall with changes in the water level maintaining a constant distance above the surface. This photo was captured on a day when the sky was heavily overcast. I must make it a point to revist on a day with the sky is prettier.
A Mallard Drake, Anas platyrhynchos, swims on the Neuse River near Union Point part in New Bern, North Carolina. Unlike many birds the Mallard is able to breed with similar species producing fertile, hybrid offspring. This ability has sparked some concern that interbreeding could lead to other species disappearing. The Mallard is the base for most domestic duck breeds. A common, non-migrating duck, they are very common. In some areas they are considered a nuisance species.
With outstretched wings a Mallard duck, Anas platyrhynchos, comes in for a landing on the Neuse River, A large number of ducks and coots are swimming along the edge of Union Point Park in New Bern North Carolina and this drake decided to join them. These common ducks gather at the park looking for hand outs from visitors. A vending machine is on site that dispenses food for the waterfowl.
A Mallard hen preens her feathers while standing in shallow water in the Neuse River near New Bern, North Carolina. Perhaps she has an itch. Maybe she’s adjusting her feathers to make herself ore attractive to males. In reality when ducks preen they activate a gland that releases an oil that makes them waterproof and acts as an insulator. Mallards are one of the most common ducks found in North America. They are non-migratory unlike many other waterfowl species. They have the unusual ability to mate with other duck species, producing fertile hybrid off-spring. This is one of several ducks that congregate along the river bank at Union Point Park in New Bern, North Carolina. While wild birds, these ducks have become tolerant of the humans that visit and toss them treats. Children and adults alike enjoy watching and feeding these lovely birds.

This entry was posted in Avian Photography, General Photography, Hiking Trail, Landscape Photography, Nature Photography, Uncategorized, Waterfowl.


  1. Bill Swartwout February 5, 2023 at 10:54 am #

    Nothing says “Southern” more than Spanish moss on the limbs of a tree. Very nice coverage of your “accidental find” of the park. I particularly like the Preening Mallard Hen image. Well done, Bob.

  2. Katrina Gunn February 5, 2023 at 1:02 pm #

    I love the duck photos, especially how close-up they feel.

  3. Sharon Popek February 5, 2023 at 3:55 pm #

    I love these photos, Bob! The reflections are perfect! What a great find!

  4. Steve Estvanik February 8, 2023 at 2:01 pm #

    Another great view of an area I have yet to explore

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