Glenburnie Park
Glenburnine is a city park located a few minutes from downtown New Bern. When visiting this site it is easy to forget your in the middle of a residential area. The trees are covered with Spanish Moss adding that special Southern Charm to the visit. A short trail around the perimeter of the facility provides views of the Neuse river. Other amenities include a playground, several picnic shelters, a disc golf course and a boat ramp.
My Visit
I came across this lovely location by accident. My initial destination was the new Martin-Marietta park. On my way back from that park I noticed a sign pointing down a side road. That led me to this, new to me, recreational site. It was a heavily overcast day. In some ways that’s great for photography. In others not so much. I made the best of it and feel like I got some decent shots.
A Side Trip
On my way home I decided to stop by Union Point Park. Though a more urban setting, there are always a few ducks hanging out there in search of a handout or two. I guess you could call that a lazy man’s waterfowl photography trip. None the less, I think I got some decent photos.
The Photos
Here are some photos from my day trip to New Bern parks. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.
Nothing says “Southern” more than Spanish moss on the limbs of a tree. Very nice coverage of your “accidental find” of the park. I particularly like the Preening Mallard Hen image. Well done, Bob.
I love the duck photos, especially how close-up they feel.
I love these photos, Bob! The reflections are perfect! What a great find!
Another great view of an area I have yet to explore