Butterflies Are Tough! – Shot in the Croatan National Forest

It may surprise some people but I find butterflies to be extremely difficult subjects. They’re colorful with intricate patterns and textures which makes them lovely studies for macro photography. But they’re also shy and flutter off quite annoyingly when approached. I don’t recall them being spooked so easily when I was a child, but then I was more interested in catching them in hand than capturing them with a lens. (Sadly, I was probably quite a bit quicker as well!) Still I have to try when I see one and occassionally I get lucky. I’d stopped to photograph some ferns when this willing subject came along. How could I resist?

I find butterlies to be a difficult subject to photograph because they're so shy when approached.

Sometimes I just get lucky.

This entry was posted in General Photography, Macro Photography, Nature Photography.

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