Autumn View of the Mill Pond

Location and Information

A couple of miles outside of Newport, North Carolina a large mill pond sits next to Mill Creek road. The property is privately owned so access is limited. But there are some lovely views to be found along the roadside. Lovely Bald Cypress trees rise out of the dark, tannin water of the small lake. On a calm day the water takes on a mirrored surface, reflecting the surrounding trees and the sky overhead. I would very much love to explore this body of water with my kayak and camera. Alas, I do not have any contact information for the owners.

The Photogrpahs

The following are some photos I made of this location on a beautiful October afternoon. I hope you enjoy them. If so feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for looking.

Fall foliage comes late along the North Carolina coast. Here’s a view of the mill pond found outside of Newport, NC. The Bald Cypress trees are turning a lovely hue of orange. The tree lined shore and sky is reflected beautifully on the mirror like water.
Cypress trees rise from the black water along the edge of a pond in eastern North Carolina. Located along Mill Creek road in Carteret county this private property provides scenic views to passing travelers. Is there a view with a greater Southern vibe than that of Bald Cypress springing up from dark, tannin waters? Located on the Crystal Coast, this country road spans from Newport to NC Highway 101. It bears the name of the unincorporated community of Mill Creek which it passes through.

This entry was posted in General Photography, History & Landmarks, Landscape Photography, Nature Photography, Uncategorized.


  1. Steve Heap October 22, 2022 at 11:05 am #

    I love the reflection one. Nothing beats that on a calm day! The cypress trees are really well captured as well, although I think the shore line detracts a bit. Wade out in the water next time!

  2. Steve Estvanik October 23, 2022 at 1:03 pm #

    I’ve only had a short visit to NC, so now adding it to my travel list. Cypress so different from our NW cedars!


  3. Katrina Gunn October 24, 2022 at 11:01 am #

    For whatever reason, I have always thought cypress trees are just cool to look at. One of these days, I really ought to paint some!

  4. Anne Haile October 27, 2022 at 12:11 pm #

    The reflections in the top images are stunning. I have never seen cypress trees in person but would love to so one day.

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